In 1951, Katz was 13-years-old -- a teenager -- and had prepared a portfolio of works that would gain him competitive entrance as an art major to the public High School of Music and Art.
Mrs. Schmidt, 3-8-51 (complete, tempera)
Woman Ironing, 1951? (detail, tempera)
Woman, Dog, at Stove, 1951? (complete, tempera, 017c)
Woman at Refrigerator, 1951? (complete, tempera, 028c)
Birds Linoleum Print, 1951?
Cow, 1952 (detail, tempera)
Man Feeding Bird, 1952 (detail, collage)
Fish on Plate, 1952? (detail, pastel)
Theda Bara, 1952? (detail, tempera)
Circus Fat Woman, 1952? (detail)
Circus Man on Tight Rope, 1952? (detail, tempera)
Man on Tight Rope, 1952 (complete, tempera, 019c
Sick boy & aunt, 1952? (detail)
Sick boy & parents, 952? (detail)
Fish Linoleum Print, 1955 (complete original)
Looking Out Window, 1955? (detail)
Clown in Jungle, 1955? (complete, tempera, 029c)
Cat in Jungle, 1955? (complete, tempera, 014c)
Pigeons on the Roof Aloof, 1955?
Gossips, 6-1956 (detail, pen and ink)
Teacher (Mrs. Gottesman), 1956? (detail, ink and tempera)
Girl, 1956? (detail, pastel)
Clown Self-portrait, 1956? (complete, oil, 013c)
Clown Self-portrait, 1955? (detail, oil)
Self-portrait, 1956? (complete, oil, 012c)
Selfportrait, 1956? (detail, oil)
Music & Art High School, 1956? (complete, oil, 011c)
Music and Art High School, 1956? (scratch board)
Nun in Greenwich Village, 1956? (complete, oil, 006c)