Standing, 7-3-2010 (complete) IMG_0039SmallMed Lying, 6-26-2010 (complete) LowMedIMG_0009 R.L. sitting, 3-25-2010 (complete) R.IMG_0032SmallMed Sitting, 3-31-10 (complete) Collection Albert Lepage Nelson & Chiahuaha 9-28-2010 (complete) MEDMED_IMG_0018 Tim, green, 7-7-2010 (complete) IMG_0021SMALLMED Tim, rope, 7-25-2010 (complete) IMG_0049SmallMed Tim, gold, 7-7-2010 (complete) IMG_0050SmallMed Gymnast, 5-12-2010 (complete) IMG_0075SmallMed Brad, blue, 8-4-2010 (complete) IMG_0065SmallMed Brad, brown, 8-4-210 (complete) IMG_0063SmallMed Boxer, 5-12-2010 (complete) IMG_0074SmallMed Ross, 9-5-2010 (complete) IMG_0043SmallMed Ross, 9-5-2010 (complete) IMG_0041SmallMed Ross, 9-5-2010 (complete) IMG_0042SmallMed Benjamin I, 7-25-2010 (complete) IMG_0069SmallMed Benjamin, pole, 7-25-2010 (complete) IIIMG_0068SmallMed Benjamin, standing, 7-25-2010 (complete)IMG_0070Smal Sitting, purple, 9-25-2010 (complete) IMG_0081SmallMed Fighters, 7-21-2010 (complete) IMG_0087SmallMed Conrad 7-29-2010 (complete) IMG_0056SmallMed Pablo sitting, 7-18-2010 (complete) IMG_0046SmallMed Pablo standing, 7-18-2010 (complete) IMG_0046SmallMed Pablo, pants, 7-18-2010 (complete) IMG_0046SmallMed Halo, flowers, 7-24-2010 (complete) IMG_0066SmallMed Eryc Sitting, 7-15-2010 (complete) IMG_0054SmallMed Standing, 3-31-2010 (complete) IMG_0073SmallMed Sitting, yellow, 7-3-2010 (comomplete) (coomplete Conrad, 6-12-2010 (complete) IMG_0082SmallMed Spiked Hair, 5-25-2010 (complete) IMG_0061SmallMed Halo, 5-30-2010 (complete) IMG_0088SmallMed Dancer, 5-23-2010 (complete) IMG_0034SmallMed Sitting, Chair, Summer 20010 @ Center IMG_0080SmallMed Sitting, 6-13-2010 (complete) IMG_0031SmallMed Boxer shorts, 5-6-2010 (complete) IMG_0083SmallMed Playing, 5-12-2010 (complete) IMG_0030SmallMed Playing, 5-12-10 (complete) Collection Paul David Hays Category: 2010 Post navigation Previous: Previous post: 2009Next: Next post: 2011 Leave a comment Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ